Friday Inspiration, January 17, 2020

Sent: Friday, January 17, 2020 6:02 PM
Subject: RE: Friday Inspiration, January 17, 2020


Dear Friends,

Is this weather not scarily amazing? It’s been sunny and in the 60s here in Chattanooga. The last few days I’ve had the sliding door to the balcony open while I work. I can feel the breeze and hear the sweet dogs at the park across the street play. It’s helping with the cabin fever.

My Facebook profile banner says, “If you see something beautiful in someone speak it.” That’s been on my mind a lot this week. Many of my friends aren’t feeling like themselves and I’ve had a slight case of the sads being cooped up in my apartment.



Last night I couldn’t sleep and the phrase “If you see something beautiful in someone speak it” came back to me. It reminded me of years ago in NYC when I was at a really low point in my life. Around that time I became friends with a woman named Carey. We’d been in the same social circle for a long time but had not been very close. I really admired her: she was a published author, lived in a cool neighborhood, and knew how to throw a dinner party. She was so cool. As we got to know each other better every time she sent a text or email or greeted me at the coffee shop she’d say, “Hey, beautiful!” The first time she did it I thought, “surely she didn’t mean me. I’m hideous.” but she continued and the more she said it the more I thought, if Carey thinks I’m beautiful, I must be beautiful. It was a small act on her part but it was this giant-healing balm for me.  

So friends, you’re beautiful and smart and successful. This “leaning in” and trying to have it all is hard but you’re kicking booty. You’re a good friend, an AMAZING mom/wife/sister/cousin/aunt/colleague, and I’m glad to know you. Text that friend you’re thinking of and tell them the beautiful thing you see in them.  

Have you all seen that the San Francisco Giants just hired THE FIRST FEMALE COACH IN MLB HISTORY?! Kudos to Alyssa Nakken! This news made my day.

Last week I came across this article from Upworthy, Opposing team members surrounded a soccer player whose hijab came off, and it's fabulous

From the article: “For women who cover their hair with the hijab, it is an expression of faith and symbol of modesty. For a hijabi woman to be seen in public without that covering is to feel inappropriately exposed. The players on the opposing team didn't wear hijab themselves, but they immediately recognized the potential embarrassment of the player. As soon as they saw her kneel down to replace her head covering, players from Shabab al Ordon Club started gathering around her, signaling their teammates to come and form a shield around her while she put everything back into place. It was a spontaneous act, clearly born of understanding, empathy, and respect.”

I love that these young girls, who did not practice the same customs of the young woman in the story, protected her and treated her with respect. I want to be *that* kind of team member.  

In the words of the great philosopher Beyoncé—who run the world? GIRLS!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Talk soon,
